My name is Brian Seitz and I'm campaigning to be YOUR 156th District State Representative.
I'm a Christian, Conservative, Veteran, ready to FIGHT for you in Jefferson City. I am 100% Pro-Life and a strong supporter of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. As a former Branson business owner, family man, and pastor of a small church, I know the hard work and dedication that it takes to succeed. I have an unparalleled sense of focus, unlimited energy and a strong desire to see the 156th District continue to grow and prosper, while maintaining our Conservative values of God, family and country.
If my 35 years living in the Missouri Ozarks has taught me anything, it's that the people here strive to do what's right, support one another in good times and bad, and work daily to make this area one in which our children and grandchildren can be proud of.
Economic development, diverse educational opportunities for students and retaining our God given liberties, can keep us a shining beacon to those who both live here and visit our area.
It is for these reasons that I want to serve YOU, as the 156th District State Representative, and am asking for your vote in the August Primary, and God willing in the November General Election.
Republican Candidate
156th District State Representative
Visiting Branson when 'The Strip' was a two lane road, 35 years ago I knew that this would be home, the perfect place to raise a family and help build the community.
An Army Veteran, I served as a soldier of the distinguished 82nd Airborne Division, located at Fort Bragg N.C. My time as a paratrooper, having achieved the rank of Sergeant, culminated in being chosen Trooper of the Quarter, representing the elite divison at the annual AUSA dinner in Washington D.C. My time in the Adjutant General Company instilled in me the attitudes of dogged-perseverance, how to put Country before self, and the discipline that it takes to be 'Above the Best'.
Following my tour of duty, I took advantage of the educational opportunities available to me, graduating from Southwest Missouri State University with a four year degree in Communications/Public Relations. I was also elected the President of the College Republicans, establishing the largest ever group in Missouri college history.
While in college, I met the love of my life and soon to be wife, Valerie. Valerie's nurturing care and her career as a nurse, 18 years at Skaggs/Cox hospitals, has been invaluable in establishing our home, here in Taney County. We have been married 33 years, and have 3 grown children Daniel, Taylor and Reagan. All three of the kids went to Branson Public Schools, K-12 and Daniel later graduated from College of the Ozarks (and then Regent University School of Law), Taylor spent 5 years in the Army stationed at Ft. Hood, and Reagan is currently following in her mother's footsteps as a Certified Nurses Assistant (soon to be LPN).
My career path in Branson has seen me create, own, and operate Music Country News, Branson's premiere monthly newspaper in the 1990's and beyond. Wearing virtually ALL of the hats, I helped promote the areas Music and Live Entertainment venues, and my passion to do so remains to this day.
Most importantly, after almost 30 years of Bible teaching at various area churches, most notably First Baptist Church of Branson, I was called to pastor Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, a small gathering of believers who put God's Word as the central facet of their lives.
Currently I manage Branson's multi-million dollar carwash, Splash Carwash.
I know how to work hard and am ready to serve as your State Representative for the 156th District.

The Seitz Conservative Coalition is a candidate committee that has been formed with the purpose of supporting and electing Brian H. Seitz, as the 156th District State Representative.
God, family and Country have long been values that we here in the Ozarks hold dear, but those values are coming under attack by liberal ideals and those who seek fame over service. Brian's desire is to represent the 156th, putting God first and holding firmly to Conservative values.
Here is an opportunity to do something that will impact The Community!
1. Pray daily for strength for Brian and those who work diligently behind the scenes, that they might be empowered by God to represent the people they serve.
2. Volunteer. Yard signs, informational pieces, T-shirts and other campaign items are being created to help spread the word. For more information, follow us on Facebook, or by joining our email list.
3. VOTE. Your vote counts and will make the difference at the local, state and federal level. We must vote for Conservative candidates if we want to secure the future of our country!
One huge way you can help is to give. Asking for money is never easy, but without funding our campaign could be lost in a sea of promotional materials from those with deep pockets whose true goal may be to be seen or make a name for themselves.
With YOUR support, we can spread the word and make Brian Seitz the 156th District State Representative. To donate to the campaign click on our easy to use donate button below.

"As a Veteran and former Correctional Officer, I stand by the Military and Law Enforcement as necessary to provide safety and security for all law abiding citizens. There is no justification for crime, and I will seek to promote swift and unencumbered justice to those who would harm others."
Republican Candidate
156th District Representative

I am 100% Pro-Life. All human beings are created in the image of God, deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The protections of the Constitution should apply to the weakest and most needy among us. I pledge to support and promote all legislation that provides protections for both the unborn infant and the elderly.
I believe that the freedoms detailed in the First Amendment are under attack and we must vigorously fight to preserve those freedoms for future generations. As a pastor, I understand just how sacred the freedoms of religion and speech are, and I will be a staunch defender of both as your State Representative.
The Second Amendment is the pillar upon which all the other amendments rely. We must uphold the Second to secure the rest of the rights given to us in the Constitution. As a veteran and former correctional officer, I will advocate for your right to bear arms during my time in Jefferson City.